Screeching Halt

Broken Incandescent Bulb

Broken Lightbulb by Kevin Galens, via Flickr

Yesterday started out as a good day. Before I finished washing when I got up I had a fun idea for a short fanfic for familiar characters as cast and crew for a pending disaster of a school musical. Picking setting, picking majors, and modifying canon background to fit an inner city university. I wrote a good intro, started and infodump… took a good look and screeched to a halt.

Oh, I had bits I wanted to include and the train wreck of the homemade production, but no character arcs. And no ideas. All I could come up with were the grind of a stage production. So I decided to let it wait… after I pruned the worst of the infodump.

I needed a day off my laborious combat chapter in another work, so I found an original short story I misplaced when my beta returned it.

It sucked. I’m not even sure much of it could be salvaged.

I’m not that enthused to fix it, but that will be another day. If I can fix it, that will give me a full series for Kindle.

At the end of the day I hadn’t finished anything, not even the musical one shot.

My consolation is that I had another idea that was even stronger, ten chapters and maybe more. I just wanted to do something lighter.

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